Parashat Tzav Being Thankful and Appreciating Life
Parashat Tzav Parashat Tzav introduces us to a new type of sacrifice. The Korban Todah the thanksgiving offering. An offering brought when one has survived a life-threatening situation. Is that…
Parashat Tzav Parashat Tzav introduces us to a new type of sacrifice. The Korban Todah the thanksgiving offering. An offering brought when one has survived a life-threatening situation. Is that…
Parshat Vayikra Parshat Vayikra introduces us to the world of korbanot- sacrifices. A system that is completely foreign to us. Or is it? Today we have no Temple and prayer…
Parashat Vayakhel Pekudei Parashat Vayakhel Pekudei concludes the book of Shemot - Exodus. The double Parasha describes in great detail the construction of the Mishkan- sanctuary. The question is why…
Parashat Ki Tissa This week we read Parashat Ki Tissa. Ki Tissa is dominated by the sin of the Golden Calf and its aftermath. Moses had been on the mountain…
Parashat Tetzaveh Parashat Tetzaveh continues with the list of instructions about building the Mishkan. This week the focus is on the Kohanim, their clothes and their dedication ceremony. This was…
Parashat Terumah Parashat Terumah opens with the command to build a Mishkan- sanctuary or Tabernacle. The Parasha introduces the second half of the book of Exodus- the instruction about building…
Parashat Mishpatim Parashat Mishpatim lays out for us multiple mitzvot- commandments. As a set table of rules, the Torah guides us through the challenges of modern life. One such challenge…
Parashat Yitro In Parashat Yitro, we are told about the revelation at Sinai. It was the most unique experience in human history! For the first time, Hashem appeared to an…