
Parashat Beshalach

Parashat Beshalach More Than One Path

Parashat Beshalach Parashat Beshalach tells the story of the Splitting of the Red Sea. Traditionally, we know that the sea split in one path. As depicted by Hollywood. But what ...
Parshat Bo

Parashat Bo | Parshat Bo Safeguarding Judaism

Parashat Bo Parashat Bo reaches the high point of the Exodus story, the final 3 plagues and the Jews are free. How do we remember these events? Let's investigate. Parshat ...
Parshat Vaera

Parashat Vaera – The Pharaoh Complex

Parashat Vaera – The Pharaoh Complex Parashat Vaera Parashat Vaera pits Moses and Aharon against Pharaoh. Pharaoh has no name. Could it be that the Torah is not only talking ...
Parashat Shemot

Parshat Shemot: Shemot The Road Is Long

Parshat Shemot Parshat Shemot opens our new book, the Book of Shemot - Exodus. Last week we completed the Book of Bereishit with Parshat Vayechi, with Jacob dying and the ...
Parshat Vayehi

Parashat Vayechi Our Children’s Jewish Connection

Parshat Vayechi This week we read Parashat Vayechi. We continue with the story of Joseph and his two sons Ephraim and Menashe. What makes these 2 boys so special? Why ...

Parashat Vayigash Being A Judah

Parshat Vayigash Parshat Vayigash Parashat Vayigash teaches us about what it means to care for another Jew. To be the guarantor of a fellow brother and sister. Parashat Vayigash Summary ...
Parashat Miketz

Parashat Miketz How To Be A Successful Mentor

Parshat Miketz Parashat Miketz opens with Joseph languishing in prison and ends with him being the Viceroy of Egypt. Joseph’s meteoric rise from prisoner to ruler provides us with several ...
Parashat Vayeshev

Parashat Vayeshev- Preparing For The Future

Parashat Vayeshev tells the story, not of sibling rivalry but a story of an argument about future-proofing the Jewish People. Parsha Summary 1. Sibling rivalry in Jacob’s home2. Joseph’s dreams3 ...
Parashat Vayishlach

Parashat Vayishlach – Don’t Leave Him Alone

Parshat Vayishlach This week's Torah reading is Parashat Vayishlach. Vayishlach means and he sent. Jacob sends messengers to his brother Esau. They return with an ominous warning. Esau is coming ...